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Jeśli chcesz mieć unikalny i zastrzeżony podpis
zarejestruj się.
A moim zdaniem... (wybrany wątek)
  • Daniel - great stuff, as usual. Please keep doing this
  • Don't you think you got a little mixed up about the language used in your comment? With all due respect to you I would agree it is a great stuff as well. However at the end of the days this internet site has been designed in Polish. Thus majority, if not all of them (well except for our two) of the comments are written in Polish. I understand you have a right to write in any language you would possibly know. But wouldn't you think it looks a bit awkward? Thank you for your attention.
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  • @NickOlson - Twoj komentarz to jest the end of days i mozna powiedziec takie typowe powitanie na ziemi elblaskiej. Welcome to Anus Mundi.